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kidnapped adj
Rhyming Words
held in durance, held under illegal restraint, kept under duress, kidnapped, made off with, seized, shanghaied, snatched, spirited away, taken hostage, transported, waylaid, held for ransom, held, carried off, carried away, captured, abducted.
अपहृत वि
Rhyming Words
भगा, लगा भगा, उठा, पकड़ा, छीना, भगाया, उड़ाया, अग़वा, भगाई, उड़ाई, भगी, लगी भगी, उठी, पकड़ी, बंदी, छीनी, बंधक, निष्क्रामित, अपसारित, व्यपसारित, हारित, अपहारित, ह्रित, प्रच्यावित, द्रावित, अपद्रावित, अपद्रवित, अपनीत, संवृत, अपसृत, व्यपसृत, हृत, संहृत, आहृत, अपाहृत, समाहृत, परिहृत, अपहृत, अवहृत, व्यावृत्त.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.