Sorry, the Word: 'rishi muni' in Language: 'RomanizedHindi' was not found in the current edition:
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The nearest match "raIsaloga" in the Index is being displayed.
prosperous people n
aristocracy, aristocrats, blue blood, capitalists, elite, gentility, great world, haut monde, haves, high livers, high society, money, moneybags, moneyed group, nobility, nobles, patriciate, prosperous people, rich people, smart set, social register, society, the blue book crowd, the elect, the haves, the Quality, the rich, the wealthy, upper crust, wealthy people.
Similar Concepts
blue book, capitalists, high class, money baron, ostentation, spectacularity, wealthiness, zemindar.
Opposite Concepts
common people, lowly people, the poor.
समृद्ध जन सं
अमीरउमरा, उच्चवर्ग, ऊँचे लोग, कुलीन जन, गणमान्य जन, दौलत वाले, धनदौलत वाले, धनाढ्य जन, धनीजन, पूँजीपति, पैसे वाले, बड़े लोग, भद्रजन, रईसज़ादे, रईस लोग, श्रीमंत वर्ग, श्रेष्ठिजन, श्रेष्ठीजन, संपत्तिशाली जन, समृद्ध जन, सरमाएदार, सेठ महाजन, सेठ लोग, सेठ साहूकार.
Similar Concepts
उच्चकुलीनता, उच्चवर्ग, ज़मीँदार, दिखावा, धनाढ्यता, पूँजीपति वर्ग, ब्लू बुक, भव्यदृश्यता, सेठ.
Opposite Concepts
जन साधारण, निम्नकुलीन जन, निर्धनजन.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.