सरपरस्ती करना क्रि
काम आना, निष्ठ होना, निष्ठावान होना, पाबंद होना, पीठ पर हाथ रखना, प्रश्रय देना, प्रोत्साहन देना, बढ़ाना, मदद करना, समर्थक होना, समर्थन करना, समर्थन देना, सरपरस्त होना, सरपरस्ती करना, सहयोग करना, सहायता देना, सहारना, सहारा देना, साथ देना, सिर पर हाथ रखना, हाथ देना, हाथ रखना, हाथ लगाना.
Similar Concepts
अनुग्रह करना, उत्साह बढ़ाना, प्रायोजित करना, सहयोग करना, सहायता करना, साथी बनना.
Opposite Concepts
अहित करना, तरजना, निराश करना, विरोध करना.
patronize v
patronized, patronizes, patronizing.
accredit, advance, aid, approve, assist, back, back up, be behind, be for, be with, bolster, boost, champion, cheer, comfort, commend, consort, cooperate, encourage, endorse, extend, favour, forward, further, get behind, get in the act, give a leg up, go to the aid of, help, indulge, inspire, join, lend a hand, lift, maintain, make a stand, make for, nourish, participate, pat on the back, patronize, pitch in, promote, prop, push, rally, second, shore, side, side with, stand by, steady, stick together, succour, support, sustain, trust, uphold.
Similar Concepts
align with, cooperate, enthuse, favour, give help, show favour, sponsor.
Opposite Concepts
cause harm, deter, disappoint, oppose.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.