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acquire v
acquired, acquires, acquiring.
absorb, acquire, acquisition, appropriate, arrogate, assume, capture, charter, clasp, clutch, commandeer, confiscate, cop, corner, corral, deforce, deprive, deprive of ownership, despoil, devest, devour, digest, dispossess, disseize, distrain, divest, encompass, encroach, enter on, escheat, exact, expropriate, extort, extract, extradite, force, force from, foreclose, gain possession, get, get at, get hold of, get one's clutches on, get one's fingers on, get one's hands on, glom, gobble, gobble up, grab, grasp, hijack, hog, hold, hold up, hustle, impinge, impound, incorporate, ingurgitate, intercept, intrude, lay hands on, lay hold of, misappropriate, mix, nab, obtain, occupy, oust, pocket, possess oneself of, pounce on, preempt, purloin, rap, raven, reave, repossess, requisition, secure, seize, seize upon, sequester, squeeze, take, take hold of, take possession, take possession of, undertake, usurp, wrench, wrest.
Similar Concepts
commit aggression, confiscate, foreclose, procure by manipulation, reacquire, snatch, subjugate, take.
Opposite Concepts
give, lend, not acquire, renounce rights.
अधिग्रहण करना क्रि
अधिकार करना, अधिग्रहण करना, अधिपति बनना, अपना क़ब्जा जमाना, आधिपत्य करना, आधिपत्य मेँ लेना, ऐँठना, क़ब्ज़ा करना, क़ब्ज़ा जमाना, क़ब्ज़े मेँ लेना, खाना, गटकना, चट करना, छीनना, झंडा गाड़ना, झटकना, झपटना, दाख़िल होना, धमकना, निकालना, निकाल बाहर करना, निगलना, पचाना, लीलना, स्वत्व हरना, हड़पना, हथियाना, हरना, हस्तगत करना, हाथ मेँ लेना.
Similar Concepts
अतिक्रमण करना, कुर्क़ करना, छीनना, ज़ब्त करना, झटकना, पराधीन करना, पुनरधिग्रहण करना, लेना.
Opposite Concepts
अधिग्रहण न करना, उधार पर देना, देना, स्वत्व दान करना.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.