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The nearest match "matter coughed up and usually ejected from the mouth, including saliva, foreign material, and substances such as mucus or phlegm, from the respiratory tract" in the Index is being displayed.
थूक सं
गाढ़ा और कुछ कुछ लसीला रस जो मुँह के भीतर जीभ तथा मांस की झिल्लियों से छूटता है.
उगाल, उद्गार, उद्गीर्ण, कफ कूर्चिका, थुक्का ('फजीहत' के साथ), थूक, निष्ठीव, पीक (पान खाने वालोँ के मुँह से फिँका लाल थूक), रीक़.
Similar Concepts
उद्गीर्ण, थूकदानी, पीक, लार, वमित पदार्थ.
sputum n
matter coughed up and usually ejected from the mouth, including saliva, foreign material, and substances such as mucus or phlegm, from the respiratory tract.
gob, phlegm, saliva, spit, spittle, sputum.
Similar Concepts
betel leaf spat out, expectoration, saliva, spittoon, vomit.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.