cause n
an agent or condition that leads to an effect or result.
base, basis, beginning, behalf, cause, condition, consideration, determinant, excuse, factor, first cause, foundation, genesis, ground, justification, motivation, motive, object, premise, provocation, purpose, rationale, reason, root, sake, source, wherefore, why.
Similar Concepts
why, argument, circumstance, commencement, event, excuse, false excuse, how, method, procedure, proof, purpose.
Opposite Concepts
action, conclusion, consequence, event, reaction.
Sample Phrases
"He is the cause of all my problems.".
कारण सं
वह स्थिति या वस्तु जिस के अभाव मेँ परिणाम नहीँ हो सकता.
आधार, आलंबन, उद्देश्य, उपलक्ष्य, काज, कारण, क्योँ, जड़, निदान, निमित्त, पूर्वभावी, प्रयोजन, बहाना, बाइस, बात, बानी, बायस, बिना, भूमि, मिस, रू, लक्ष्य, वज़ह, वायस, सबब, हेतु.
Similar Concepts
क्योँ, कैसे, घटना, झूठा बहाना, तर्क, परिस्थिति, प्रक्रिया, प्रमाण, प्रयोजन, प्रारंभ, बहाना, मनोरथ, रीति.
Opposite Concepts
कर्म, घटना, निष्पत्ति, परिणाम, प्रतिक्रिया.
Sample Phrases
"तुम किस कारण वहाँ गए थे?".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.