earn v
earned, earning, earns.
acquire, bag, be paid, be the breadwinner, bring, bring home, bring home the bacon, chalk up, draw, earn, fetch, gain, gain as due return, get, gross, grub, make good, make money, make the pot boil, net, obtain, obtain a return, pocket, pot, procure, reap, receive, scrape together, take home, turn a penny.
Similar Concepts
accumulate, earn income, earn profit, get, help earn, make budget, rely on one's own self, save, slog.
Opposite Concepts
misspend, spend.
अर्जन करना क्रि
कमा, कमाई, कमाऊँ, कमाऊँगा, कमाऊँगी, कमाए, कमाएँगी, कमाएंगी, कमाएँगे, कमाएंगे, कमाओ, कमाया.
अर्जन करना, अर्जित करना, उठाना, कमाना, खटना, घर चलाना, घर लाना, चूल्हा चक्की चलाना, जोड़ना, धन अर्जन करना, धन अर्जित करना, धन कमाना, पाना, पीटना, पैदा करना, पैसा बनाना, फटकारना, बनाना, माल कमाना, माल बनाना.
Similar Concepts
आय करना, कमवाना, खटना, पाना, बचत करना, बजट बनाना, लाभ कमाना, संचय करना, स्वावलंबी होना.
Opposite Concepts
अपव्यय करना, ख़र्चना.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.