मतांध वि
अंध-, अंधविश्वासपूर्ण, अंधविश्वासी, अंधा [अंधी], अटल, अड़ियल, अतर्क, अतिरेकी, अनुदार, अपरिवर्तनीय, अविचल, असहिष्णु, उन्मत्त, उन्मादी, उसूली, कट्टर, कट्टरपंथी, कठोर, कड़ा [कड़ी], ज़िद्दी [ज़िद्दन], जुनूनी, तअस्सुबी, तर्कहीन, तर्कातीत, तास्सुबी, दीवाना [दीवानी], दुराग्रही, दृढ़, दृढ़मतपूर्ण, दृढ़ानुगामी, धर्मांध, धर्मारूढ़, पक्का [पक्की], फ़ैनेटिक, बंददिमाग़, भ्रांतिहीन, मतवाला [मतवाली], मतांध, मतांधतापूर्ण, मुतअस्सिब, विचारहीन, विश्वासी, संकीर्ण, संकुचित, सख़्त, हठमतपूर्ण, हठमति, हठी, हठोन्मत्त.
Similar Concepts
अंधानुयायी, अनम्य, अनुदारमनस्क, अनुशासनकारी, अपरिवर्तनीय, असहनशील, आदिसिद्धांतीय, धीर, परंपरावादी व्यक्ति, प्रजातीय, प्रतिबद्ध, ब्रेनवाशित, हठी.
Opposite Concepts
उदारमनस्क, दृढ़मतहीन, मध्यमार्गी, सहनशील.
dogmatic adj
beyond reason, biased, bigoted, blind, bound up in, bullheaded, chauvinistic, closed, close-minded, cocksure, convinced, crazed, crazy, dedicated, devoted, die-hard, doctrinaire, doctrinal, dogged, doggish, dogmatic, doubtless, driven, dyed-in-the-wool, extreme, extremist, extremistic, factional, faithful, fanatic, fanatical, fervid, feverish, fierce, frenzied, hard and fast, hard-boiled, hard-core, hardened, hard-line, hard-nosed, hard-set, hawk, hawkish, headstrong, heated, hyped on, illiberal, immoderate, immovable, inadaptable, inalterable, inconvertible, inelastic, infatuated, inflexible, insistent, intent, intractable, intransigent, ironbound, ironclad, irrational, irreconcilable, jaundiced, jingoistic, maniacal, mulish, myopic, narrow, narrow-minded, nut, obsessed, obstinate, of the lunatic fringe, one-sided, one-track, opinionated, overzealous, parochial, passionate, perseverant, pigheaded, prejudiced, prepossessed, rabid, reasonless, resolute, rigid, rocky, sectarian, single-minded, solid, staunch, steadfast, steely, stickler, strong, strong-minded, strong-willed, stubborn, tough, unadaptable, unadjustable, unbending, unbowed, unchangeable, unconscionable, unflinching, unjust, unquestioning, unreasonable, unreasonably zealous in beliefs, unreasoning, unreceptive, unrelenting, unswerving, unwavering, unyielding, vehement, wedded to an opinion, wrongheaded, zealot, zealous.
Similar Concepts
blind (adherent), brainwashed, committed, conservative, disciplinarian, fortitudinous, fundamentalist, fundamentalistic, intolerant, narrow-minded, obstinate, racial, traditionalist person, unchangeable, unpliable.
Opposite Concepts
impressible, moderate, open-minded, opportunistic, thoughtful, tolerant, unopinionated.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.