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The nearest match "cautionary advice about something imminent (especially imminent danger or other unpleasantness) - a sign of impending danger or evil - an advice to beware or desist" in the Index is being displayed.
चेतावनी सं
चेतावनियाँ, चेतावनियोँ, चेतावनियों.
आगामी संकट या अप्रिय घटना से बचने का सुझाव - भावी संकट से सतर्क रहने की सूचना - किसी को तर्जित करने की क्रिया.
अंतिमेत्थम, अल्टीमेटम, आगाही, चेतावनी, तंबीह, तंबोह, तर्जन, ताकीद, ताड़ना, धमकी, नोटिस, परिबोधना, पूर्वताड़ना, पूर्वशंका, पूर्वसूचना, प्रताड़ना, प्रत्यादेश, वार्निंग, संकेत, सूचना.
Similar Concepts
अंतिम चेतावनी, अग्रिम सूचना, चुनौती, तर्जन, धमकी, परामर्श, संकट सूचना, सावधानन.
warning n
cautionary advice about something imminent (especially imminent danger or other unpleasantness) - a sign of impending danger or evil - an advice to beware or desist.
admonition, advice, advisement, alarm, alarum, alert, caution, dissuasion, dope, exhortation, foreboding, forewarning, handwriting on the wall, high sign, hint, indication, information, intimation, monition, notice, precaution, reminder, signal, tip, tip-off, token, ultimatum, warning, word.
Similar Concepts
ultimatum, advance information, advice, alerting, challenge, danger signal, deterrence, threat.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.