injure v
injured, injures, injuring.
abuse, afflict, baste, batter, biff, bite, blister, blow, bruise, cause injuries or bodily harm, club, crack, crush, damage, damnify, do physical harm, flail, flay, flict, flog, fray, hackle, harm, hurt, impair, incommode, inflict, inflict an injury, injure, knock, lay about one, manhandle, mar, maul, mistreat, nip, pound, punish, ravage, ravish, ruin, scar, scotch, scourge, scratch, smash, stab, swipe, traumatize, wound, wreck.
Similar Concepts
assail, bite with a sting, cause a wound, come to scuffles, get injured, kill, pierce, run over, stab.
चोट करना क्रि
आहत करना, काटना, क्षति पहुँचाना, चपेटना, चुटीलना, चोट करना, चोट पहुँचाना, चोट मारना, टकोरना, ठोँकना, नाश करना, नुक़सान करना, पीटना, बिदकाना, मार करना, मारना, हनना.
Similar Concepts
गाड़ी से कुचलना, घाव करना, चोट लगना, छुरा घोँपना, डसना, प्रहार करना, मारना, वेधना, हाथापाई करना.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.