active adj
about, abuzz, activated, active, aflutter, afoot, agile, agog, agoing, airy, alive, alive and kicking, animated, astir, at it, brisk, bubbly, bustling, busy, charged up, cheery, chipper, crouse, dynamic, effervescent, energetic, enlivened, enthusiastic, feverish, flying, frenetic, fresh, full of life, full of pep, full of pizazz, galliard, gingery, go-ahead, going, going full blast, going great guns, hardworking, hearty, hectic, high-spirited, hopping, hot, hot-wire, humming, hustling, hyper, hyperactive, in action, in a state of action, in harness, keen, kinetic, live, lively, live wire, living, mobile, moving, moving about, nimble, not idle, occupied, on, on one's toes, on the go, on the job, on the move, on the stick, on the track, on the wing, operational, overactive, peppery, peppy, proactive, pulsing, restless, sappy, sharp, sizzling, smart, snappy, spirituous, sprightly, springy, spry, stirring, swank, swanky, swinging, throbbing, ticking, up, up and about, vibrant, vigorous, wide-awake, with plenty of go, yeasty, youthful, zappy, zestful, zippy.
Similar Concepts
act of running, agile, bustling, busy, endeavoring, enthusiastic, eventful, hardworking, in motion, optimist, proactive, prompt, ready for action, willing, working.
Opposite Concepts
de-enthused, derelict, inactive, lazy, stopped, tired, unendeavouring, unwilling.
सक्रिय वि
उच्चल, उच्छल, उत्साही, उमंगपूर्ण, उमंगशील, ऊर्जित, कर्मठ, कर्मण्य, कर्मशील, कार्यशील, क्रियमाण, क्रियाशील, गतियुक्त, गतिविधिपूर्ण, गतिशील, गत्वर, चल, चालू, चुस्त, चेतन, जंगम, जीवंत, जीवित, ताज़ा, फुरतीला [फुरतीली], मुस्तैद, संचल, संजीव, सक्रिय, सगति, सचल, सचेतन, सजीव, सप्राण, स्फूर्त, हरकती.
Similar Concepts
अग्रसक्रिय, अविलंबी, आशावादी, उत्साही, कार्यरत, घटनापूर्ण, चहलपहलदार, चुस्त, दौड़ना कर्म, परिश्रमी, प्रयासशील, व्यस्त, संचलनशील, सन्नद्ध, स्वेच्छुक.
Opposite Concepts
अनिच्छुक, आलसी, कर्तव्यच्युत, थका [थकी], निष्क्रिय, प्रयासहीन, विरामित, हतोत्साहित.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.