Satan n
chief spirit of evil and adversary of God - tempter of mankind - master of Hell.
archenemy, archenemy of God, archfiend, Asmodeus, author of evil, Baal, Beelzebub, Beelzebul, Belial, chief devil, deil, demon, deuce, devil, diabolical force, Diabolus, dybbuk, Eblis, evil genius, Evil One, evil principle, evil spirit, fallen angel, fiend, god of this world, hellhound, Loki, Lucifer, Mephistopheles, mischief-maker, Moloch, powers of darkness, powers of evil, Prince of Darkness, Samael, Satan, satanic force, shadow of shadows, supreme spirit of evil, the Adversary, the archenemy, the archfiend, villain.
Similar Concepts
Ahriman, Mammon, rakshas, unnamable, witch.
Opposite Concepts
angel, God (Christian): attribute (s), god (deity).
शैतान सं
शैतानोँ, शैतानों.
ईश्वर का प्रधान और खलबुद्धि शत्रु - मनुष्योँ को ग़लत राह पर ले जाने वाला - नरक का राजा.
अज़ाज़ील, असुर, इबलीस, ईश्वरशत्रु, उकसाऊ देवता, उच्चस्थानीय देवता, डैविल, दुरात्मा, दुष्ट, पिशाच, पिशुन, प्रलोभक, प्रलोभन देवता, बीलज़ेबब, मन का चोर, मैफ़िस्टोफ़िलीज़, लूसीफ़र, वंचक, विलोमक, शैतान, सैटन.
Similar Concepts
अनाम्य, अहिर्मन, मैमन, राक्षस, विच.
Opposite Concepts
ईश्वर, देवता, फ़रिश्ता.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.