suppress v
suppressed, suppresses, suppressing.
aggrieve, annihilate, bear down, beat, beat down, bend, bend to one's will, boss, bow, break, bring to one's knees, chasten, check, command, conquer, cow, cow down, crush, depress, destroy, dictate to, dominate, domineer, govern, grind, harry, humble, humiliate, keep down, keep under, keep under one's thumb, little, lord over, master, oppress, overcome, overmaster, overpower, override, overwhelm, persecute, pound, punish, quell, ravage, repress, ride down, ride herd on, rule, scourge, soften, squash, stamp on, steamroll, stomp, subdue, subject, subjugate, suppress, surmount, tame, trample down, tread, tread on, whelm.
Similar Concepts
behave harshly, behave overbearingly, break pride, coerce, inflict torture, keep under control, make humble, run an empire, subjugate, suppress a rebellion, trample, tyrannize, use one's might, vanquish, win.
Opposite Concepts
asylum, defend, give help, liberate.
दमन करना क्रि
कुचल देना, कुचलना, कूँचना, कूचना, खूँदना, चढ़ बैठना, चीथना, छाना, जीतना, झुकाना, दबाना, दबा लेना, दमन करना, दलना, दलमलना, दाबना, धौंजना, पददलित करना, पीचना, मथना, मरदना, मर्दन करना, मसलना, रगड़ना, रोकना, रौँदना, विवश करना, सताना, हुक्म चलाना.
Similar Concepts
अत्याचार करना, कठोर व्यवहार करना, जीतना, पराधीन करना, मानमर्दन करना, यंत्रणा देना, रौँदना, विद्रोह दमित करना, विनम्र करना, विवश करना, शक्ति प्रयोग करना, साम्राज्य चलाना, हराना, हेकड़ी चलाना.
Opposite Concepts
रक्षा करना, शरण देना, सहायता करना, स्वाधीन करना.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.