vanquish v
defeated, defeating, defeats, vanquished, vanquishing, vanquishs.
acquire, annihilate, baffle, balk, batter, baulk, beat, beat down, belittle, best, be too much for, break, bring down, bring home the bacon, bring to one's knees, bulldoze, burn out, capture, carry off, chasten, checkmate, clobber, come up roses, command, conquer, conquest, cook one's goose, crush, defeat, demolish, destroy, discomfit, dominate, down, drub, eclipse, eliminate, engulf, fell, finish, flog, floor, foil, force, frustrate, get, get ahead, get the best of, get the better of, give it to, give someone the worst of it, gobble up, grab, halt, hammer, have, have by the short hairs, humble, humiliate, ingulf, injure, invade, knock down, knockoff, knockout, lay by the heels, lick, little, make a hash of, make good, make mincemeat of, make short work of, master, mop up the floor with, neutralize, nullify, occupy, outflank, outmatch, outmuscle, outsmart, outstrip, overbear, overcome, overmaster, overmatch, overpower, overturn, overwhelm, possess, pound, predominate, preponderate, prevail, prevail over, prevail upon, prise, punish, put down, quell, quench, rack up, reduce, ride down, ring the bell, rock the boat, rout, ruin, run rings around, sack, seize, settle someone's hash, shellac, slaughter, slay, smash, snatch, snow under, soften, spoil, stampede, steamroll, steamroller, stump, subdue, subject, subjugate, surmount, swamp, sway, take, take the wind out of one's sails, tame, thrash, thresh, throw, thwart, tire out, triumph over, trounce, undo, unsettle, upset, vanquish, walk all over, walk away with, wallop, wear down, wear out, whelm, worst, zap.
Similar Concepts
cause to kneel, come out first, drive back, subjugate, succeed, suppress, win an argument.
Opposite Concepts
be unsuccessful, suffer defeat, win.
हराना क्रि
हरवाइएगा, हरवाई, हरवाऊँ, हरवाऊँगा, हरवाऊँगी, हरवाए, हरवाओ, हरवाना, हरवाया, हरा, हराई, हराऊँ, हराऊँगा, हराऊँगी, हराए, हराएँगी, हराएंगी, हराएँगे, हराएंगे, हराएगा, हराएगी, हराओ, हराओगे, हराती, हरातीँ, हरातीं, हराते, हराया.
अभिभूत करना, अहंकार तोड़ना, आक्रांत करना, आगे निकलना, आसमान दिखाना, उधेड़ना, उलटना, उलटा करना, ऊपर होना, काला टीका लगाना, गिराना, चढ़ना, चित करना, चूर करना, छकाना, छक्के छुड़ाना, जय करना, जीतना, झंडा गाड़ना, डालना, ढहाना, तख़्ता पलटना, तारे दिखाना, थकाना, थूक लगाना, दंगल मारना, दाँत खट्टे करना, दाँत तोड़ना, धरती चुमाना, धूल चटाना, नशा चूर करना, निकलना, निदरना, नीचा दिखाना, नीचे गिराना, पछाड़ना, पटकना, पटकनी खिलाना, पटकी खिलाना, पटकी देना, पटीलना, पटेलना, पतन करना, पराजित करना, पराभव करना, पराभूत करना, पासा पलटना, पिदाना, पीछे छोड़ना, पीटना, पोँछा लगाना, बढ़ कर होना, बाज़ी पलटना, बिछाना, मात करना, मात देना, मारना, मिटाना, मुँह की खिलाना, मैदान मारना, राख चटाना, रुलाना, लिटाना, लेटाना, लेना, विजयी होना, विजित करना, हरना, हराना.
Similar Concepts
घुटनोँ पर टेकाना, तर्क मनवाना, दमन करना, पराधीन करना, पीछे धकेलना, प्रथम आना, सफल होना.
Opposite Concepts
असफल होना, जीतना, हारना.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.