means n
the medium method or instrument used to obtain a result or achieve an end.
agency, channel, device, equipment, implement, instrument, machinery, means, medium, method, recourse, resort, resource, support, tool, vehicle, ways and means.
Similar Concepts
crutch, goods, ground rule, how, machine, manoeuvre, option, outfit, property, provisionalities, resources, servant, tact, tool, worker.
Sample Phrases
"Electonics have become the major means of communication.".
साधन सं
साधनोँ, साधनों.
उद्देश्य प्राप्ति का उपाय या उपकरण.
उपकरण, उपाय, औज़ार, कारक, कार्यसाधन, क्रियात्मक साधन, ज़रिया, माध्यम, मार्ग, यंत्र, युक्ति, रास्ता, राह, वसीला, संसाधन, समुपकरण, समुपाय, साधन, सामान, हथियार.
Similar Concepts
उपकरण, कार्यकर्ता, कैसे, गुर, नौकर, बैसाखी, यंत्र, युक्ति, विकल्प, वैकल्पिक साधन, संपत्ति, संसाधन, साज़सामान, सामान.
Sample Phrases
"साधन के अभाव में हमारे कई काम बस सपना ही रह जाते हैँ.".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.