entire adj
absolute, all, all-inclusive, all of it, complete, composite, consolidated, entire, every bit, everything, exhaustive, from A to Z, full, good (ex.: a good hour), holistic, integral, integrated, one, out and out, outright, overall, plenary, total, unified, united, whole.
Similar Concepts
aggregated, filled, lined up, safe and sound, uncensored, undivided, whole.
Opposite Concepts
discriminatory, fragment, half, incomplete, ingredient, part, partitioned, remaindered, some, unit.
संपूर्ण वि
अक्खा [अक्खी], अखंड, अनकटा [अनकटी], अविकल, अशेष, एक, एकांश, कुल, तमाम, निखिल, निरवशेष, परिपूर्ण, पूरा [पूरी], पूर्ण, पूर्णमात्रिक, बिल्कुल, रत्ती रत्ती, शेषहीन, संपूर्ण, सकल, सगरा [सगरी], सब, सब का सब, सब कुछ, सबरा [सबरी], समग्र, समस्त, समूचा [समूची], सरबस, सर्व, सर्वतोमुख, सर्वस्व, साबुत, सारा [सारी], सालिम.
Similar Concepts
अविभक्त, असंक्षिप्त, असैंसरित, पंक्तिबद्ध, पूर्णांश, भरा [भरी], विवरणात्मक, सकल.
Opposite Concepts
अंश, अधूरा [अधूरी], अवशिष्ट, आधा, एकक, कुछ, खंडित, घटक, टुकड़ा, भागकृत.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.