opportune adj
suitable or happening at an advantageous time for a purpose.
acceptable, admissible, advantageous, advisable, appropriate, apt, auspicious, becoming, befitting, behooving, compatible, consistent, convenient, correct, due, expedient, expediential, fair, favorable, favourable, felicitous, fit, fitting, fitting to circumstances, fortuitous, fortunate, good, happy, heaven-sent, in keeping with, judicious, lucky, matched, meet, opportune, pat, proper, propitious, providential, relevant, right, seasonable, sound, suitable, suited, timely, topical, to the purpose, welcome, well-timed.
Similar Concepts
acceptable, compatible, desirable, relevant, timely.
Opposite Concepts
incompatible, inopportune, irrelevant.
Sample Phrases
"an opportune arrival", "You have arrived at a very opportune moment.".
अवसरानुकूल वि
अवसर या काल के उपयुक्त.
अच्छा [अच्छी], अनुकाल, अनुकूल, अवसरानुकूल, अवसरोचित, अविरुद्ध, आनुषंगिक, इष्ट, उचित, कालसदृश, कालसमन्वित, कालसमायुक्त, कालोचित, ठीक, प्रसंगानुकूल, प्रासंगिक, बजा, बामौक़ा, मुनासिब, यथाकाल, यथासमय, युक्तियुक्त, योग्य, वाजिब, विषयानुकूल, शोभनीय, संगत, समयानुकूल, समयोचित, समीचीन, सही, सांप्रत, सांप्रतिक, सामयिक, स्वीकार्य.
Similar Concepts
प्रासंगिक, यथासमय, वांछनीय, संगत, स्वीकार्य.
Opposite Concepts
अप्रासंगिक, अवसरप्रतिकूल, असंगत.
Sample Phrases
"आप का वक्तव्य पूरी तरह अवसरानुकूल है और इसी लिए प्रशंसनीय भी. अगर यह बात अभी नहीँ कही जाती तो बात बिगड़ सकती थी.".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.