understand v
understanding, understands, understood.
know and comprehend the nature or meaning of.
absorb, apperceive, appreciate, apprehend, arrive at, assimilate, catch, catch on, cognize, compass, comprehend, conceive, construe, digest, discern, fathom, figure out, find, find out, follow, gather, get, get across, get at, get it, get the gist of, get the idea, get the point of, get to the bottom of, grasp, have knowledge of, imbibe, infer, ken, know, lay one's finger on, learn, make out, make sense of, nick, note, observe, penetrate, perceive, pick up, read, realize, reassimilate, recognize, see, see the light, sense, take in, take one's meaning, understand, understand meaning.
Similar Concepts
be capable to grasp, be educated, comprehend, comprehend meaning, explain, feel, get education, grasp, know, mean, read, study.
Opposite Concepts
be ignorant, be incapable to grasp.
Sample Phrases
"I understand the Sanskrit a bit, but Hindi and English very well.".
समझना क्रि
समझ, समझता, समझती, समझतीँ, समझतीं, समझते, समझा, समझिएगा, समझी, समझूँ, समझूँगा, समझूँगी, समझे, समझेँ, समझेँगी, समझेंगी, समझेँगे, समझेंगे, समझेगा, समझेगी, समझो, समझोगी, समझोगे.
अर्थ ग्रहण करना, अर्थ पकड़ना, अर्थ प्राप्त होना, अर्थ समझ मेँ आना, आना, ग्रहण करना, जानना, जानना समझना, जान लेना, ज्ञात करना, ज्ञान होना, ताड़ना, देखना, पकड़ना, पता करना, पता होना, पहचानना, पहुँचना, पाना, प्राप्त करना, बुद्धि मेँ आना, बुद्धि मेँ बैठना, बूझना, बोध करना, बोध ग्रहण करना, बोध होना, भाँपना, मन में आना, समझना, समझ पाना, समझ मेँ आना, सूझना.
Similar Concepts
अध्ययन करना, अनुभूति होना, अर्थ समझना, अर्थ होना, जानना, पढ़ना, बोधक्षम होना, बोध होना, शिक्षित होना, समझाना.
Opposite Concepts
बोधक्षम न होना, बोधहीन होना.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.