praiseworthy adj
admirable, adorable, all wool and a yard wide, amazing, appreciable, a whale of a, braw, commendable, creditable, decent, deserving, distinguishable, distinguished, esteemed, estimable, excellent, fairish, fine, glorious, gone, good, honorable, illustrious, keen, laudable, memorable, meritable, merited, meritorious, model, notable, noteworthy, noticeable, of note, palmary, pillar, praiseworthy, remarkable, reputable, reputed, respectable, salt of earth, select, slick, stellar, sterling, terrific, well, wondrous, worthy.
Similar Concepts
accreditable, best, credit to family, ethical, excerptable, exemplary, famous, good, grand, high-grade, honest, honourable, imitable, irreproachable, noble, praised, recommendable, remarkable, righteous, selectable, supportable, true, worshippable, worth congratulating.
Opposite Concepts
discreditable, dishonourable, notorious, ridiculous, shameful.
प्रशंसनीय वि
अच्छा [अच्छी], अनुकरणीय, अर्ह्य, आदर्श, आला, उत्तम, उम्दा, उल्लेखनीय, ऊँचा [ऊँची], क़ाबिले तारीफ़, गुणी, प्रशंसनीय, प्रशंसनीय [प्रशंसनीया], प्रशंसा पात्र, प्रशंसायोग्य, प्रशंस्य, प्रशस्य, बढ़िया, भव्य, माननीय, योग्य, वंद्य, विशिष्ट, शंस्य, शस्य, शुभ, श्लाघनीय, श्लाघ्य, संस्तुत्य, समर्ह्य, समाराध्य, सम्माननीय, सुपात्र, सुयोग्य, स्तव्य, स्तुत्य, स्मरणीय.
Similar Concepts
अच्छा [अच्छी], अनिंदनीय, अनुकरणक्षम, ईमानदार, उच्चमानक, उत्तम, उदाहरणीय, उद्धरणीय, उल्लेखनीय, कुलगौरव, चयनीय, नैतिक, पूजनीय, प्रशंसित, प्रसिद्ध, बधाई योग्य, महान, वैभवशाली, श्रेयाधिकारी, सच्चा [सच्ची], सदाचारी, समर्थनीय, सम्माननीय, सिफ़ारिश योग्य.
Opposite Concepts
असम्माननीय, उपहास्य, निंदनीय, बदनाम, शर्मनाक.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.