angry adj
acerbic, affronted, afire, aggravated, aggrieved, angered, angry, annoyed, aroused, at the boiling point, badly upset, beside oneself, bilious, bitter, boiling, bursting, caustic, chafed, charged, cheesed off, choleric, cross, detonating, discomposed, discontent, discontented, discountenanced, disgruntled, displeased, dissatisfied, distempered, disturbed, dour, embittered, enraged, eruptive, exasperated, feeling or showing anger, ferocious, fierce, fiery, flaming, flown off the handle, foaming at the mouth, frenzied, frothing at the mouth, frowning, fulminant, fulminating, fuming, furious, galled, heated, het up, high-strung, hog-wild, hostile, hot and bothered, huffish, ill-humoured, ill-tempered, impassioned, in a huff, in a passion, in a pet, in a state, in bad humour, incensed, incited, indignant, inflamed, irate, ireful, irked, irritated, livid, mad, miffed, offended, out of humour, out of shape, out of sorts, outraged, peeved, peppery, perturbed, purple in the face, raging, rattled, raving, restive, riled, run out of control, seething, sore, sour, splenetic, sullen, surly, tense, tigerish, touchy, troubled, truculent, uncontrollable, up in arms, up in the air, vexed, violent, wild, wrathful, wroth.
Similar Concepts
bloody, denigratory, distressed, fretting, hotheaded, inimical, maniacal, sulky, taut, unhappy, vexed.
Opposite Concepts
calm, happy.
Sample Phrases
"angry customers".
क्रुद्ध वि
अनल्पमन्यु, अप्रसन्न, आक्रोशित, आगबगूला, आगबबूला, आगबभूका, आगभभूका, आपे से बाहर, आविष्ट, आवेशग्रस्त, उग्र, उच्चंड, उत्तप्त, उदग्र, उद्विग्न, उद्वेलित, उन्मत्त, उबलता [उबलती], कटु, कुपित, कुप्त, कुरुख, कोपित, क्रुद्ध, क्रोधान्वित, क्रोधाविष्ट, क्रोधित, क्षुब्ध, खफ़ा, गरम, ग़ुस्सा, चंड, चिढ़ा [चिढ़ी], जला कटा [जली कटी], जला भुना [जली भुनी], तना [तनी], तमतमाता [तमतमाती], तमतमाया [तमतमाई], तिलमिलाया [तिलमिलाई], तुर्श, नाख़ुश, नाराज़, नाशाद, नियंत्रणहीन, परेशान, पागल, प्रकुपित, प्रचंड, प्रमन्यु, फुनफुनाता [फुनफुनाती], बरहम, बेकल, बेचैन, बेज़ार, बेदिल, बौखलाया [बौखलाई], भड़का [भड़की], भभूका, भभूखा, भरा [भरी], भुनता [भुनती़], भुनभुनाता [भुनभुनाती], भुना [भुनी], रिसाना [रिसानी], रिसा [रिसी], लाल अंगारा, लाल पीला [लाल पीली], लाल भभूका, विक्षिप्त, विक्षुब्ध, व्याकुल, संकुपित, संक्रुद्ध, संरब्ध, सकोपित, सतर, सावेश, हिंस्र.
Similar Concepts
अप्रसन्न, उन्मादग्रस्त, क्रोधी, खीजा [खीजी], झुँझलाता [झुँझलाती], तना [तनी], दुःखी, निंदात्मक, रूठा [रूठी], शत्रुतापूर्ण, हिंस्र.
Opposite Concepts
प्रसन्न, शांत.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.