sufficient adj
acceptable, accountable, adequate, a good, a good deal, a good many, a great many, all right, ample, appreciable, apt, armful, armload, as per expectation, bellyful, considerable, copious, decent, desired, due, effectual, enough, equal to the need, ever so, fair, fairish, fair to middling, fit, full, fulsome, good, good-sized, healthy, jake, just right, lavish, material, measurable, meet, mickle, modest, much, muckle, nice, passable, perceivable, perceptible, pleasant, pretty, proper, quite a bit, reasonable, replete, right, satisfactory, satisfying, substantial, sufficient, suitable, tolerable, workable.
Similar Concepts
acceptable, as per desire, as per need, desired, excessive, it is enough, makeshift, more, much, satisfying.
Opposite Concepts
insufficient, some.
पर्याप्त वि
अच्छा [अच्छी], अच्छा ख़ासा [अच्छी ख़ासी], अभीष्ट, आवश्यकतानुकूल, आवश्यकतानुरूप, उचित, उपसंपन्न, काफ़ी, कामचलाऊ, ठीक, तोषप्रद, निकाम, निसाभर, परिमित, पर्याप्त, पारय, पूरा [पूरी], पूर्ण, प्रत्याशानुकूल, प्रत्याशित, बरजस्ता, बहुत, माक़ूल, यथाकाम, यथाकामना, यथाकाम्य, यथायथ, यथायोग्य, यथावश्यक, यथावांछित, यथाशा, यथेच्छ, यथेष्ट, यथोचित, वांछित, संतोषजनक, संतोषप्रद, समुचित, समुपयुक्त, स्वीकार्य.
Similar Concepts
अत्यधिक, अधिक, आवश्यकतानुरूप, इच्छानुसार, इच्छित, इत्यलं, कामचलाऊ, बहुत, संतोषप्रद, स्वीकार्य.
Opposite Concepts
अपर्याप्त, कुछ.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.