end n
the final part of a period of time, place, event, activity or story.
cessation, closeout, closure, curtain, discontinuance, end, ending, finale, finish, noncontinuance, tail, termination.
Similar Concepts
last part, very end, Annihilation, boundary, completeness, culmination, death, denouement, destruction, epilogue, stoppage, submergence.
Opposite Concepts
becoming, beginning, birth, commencement, from, inauguration, source.
Sample Phrases
"The war was finally at an end.", "Turn right at the end of the road.", "We didn’t leave until the very end.".
अंत सं
किसी काल, स्थान, घटना, गतिविधि या कथा का अंतिम भाग.
अंजाम, अंत, अस्त, आख़िर, इंतिहा, इति, ख़ात्मा, निधन, परिणति, पूर्ण विराम, विराम, संस्थिति, समाप्ति, सरअंजाम.
Similar Concepts
अंतिम स्थल, नितांत अंत, उपसंहार, नाश, पराकाष्ठा, प्रलय, फलागम, मृत्यु, विराम, विलयन, समापन, सीमा.
Opposite Concepts
आदि, उद्घाटन, उद्भव, जन्म, प्रारंभ, से, स्रोत.
Sample Phrases
"मुझे क्यू मेँ सब के अंत मेँ जगह मिली.", "सड़क के अंत पर आप दाहिने मुड़ जाएँ.", “हम अंत तक वहीँ रहे.”.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.