proverb n
a condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as true by many people.
adage, aphorism, apothegm, axiom, brief and popular epigram, byword, canon, catchphrase, dictum, epigram, folk wisdom, gnome, idiom, maxim, old saw, proverb, saw, saying, truism.
Similar Concepts
aphorism, apologue, excerpt, idiom, poetic cliche, quotable quote, saying.
Sample Phrases
"There is an old proverb `where there's a will, there's a way.".
कहावत सं
कहावतेँ, कहावतें, कहावतोँ, कहावतों.
अनुभव की बात संक्षेप में और प्राय: अलंकृत भाषा में कहने वाला बँधाबँधाया वाक्य जैसे “ऊँची दूकान फीका पकवान’.
आप्तोक्ति, उक्ति, उदाहरण, कथोक्ति, कहनावत, कहावत, जनवाद, दृष्टांत, दृष्टांत वाक्य, न्याय वाक्य, मसल, युक्ति, रवायत, लोकरूढ़ि, लोकोक्ति, सूक्तवाक्य, सूक्ति, सूत्र.
Similar Concepts
उद्धरण, कथन, कविसत्य, न्यायवाक्य, मुहावरा, सूक्ति, सूत्रवाक्य.
Sample Phrases
"यह पुरानी कहावत अभी तक सही बैठती है- 'बुरे काम का अंत बुरा होता है'.".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.