genuine adj
not fake or counterfeit.
24-karat, absolute, artless, authentic, authenticated, bona fide, foursquare, genuine, good, honest-to-goodness, inartificial, infallible, intrinsic, not counterfeited, original, perfect, pukka, pure, real, reliable, sound, sterling, tested, unadulterated, unalloyed, uncontrived, uncounterfeited, unimpeachable, unmingled, unmixed, unstained, unvarnished, veracious, veritable, white.
Similar Concepts
good, natural, not man-made, original, real, refined, tested on touchstone, trustworthy, unhypocritical.
Opposite Concepts
adulterated, distorted (facts), dubitable, forged, ghostly, hypocritical, lying (person), magical, ostentatious, pertaining to Maya, seemingly true, unnatural, untrustworthy.
खरा [खरी] वि
खरा, खरी, खरे.
बिना मिलावट का.
अकूटकृत, अकृत्रिम, अच्छा [अच्छी], अमिश्रित, असल, असली, कूटहीन, खरा [खरी], ख़ालिस, खोटहीन, चोखा [चोखी], टकसाली, नक़ली नहीं, निखालिस, निखोट, निर्मल, प्रकृत, प्रमाणित, प्रामाणिक, बढ़िया, बारहबानी, बेमिलावट, मिलावटी नहीँ, रासिख़, रास्त, विशुद्ध, विश्वसनीय, शुद्ध, हक़ीक़ी.
Similar Concepts
अच्छा [अच्छी], कसौटी पर कसा, परिष्कृत, पाखंडहीन, प्राकृतिक, मानव अनिर्मित, मौलिक, यथार्थ, विश्वसनीय.
Opposite Concepts
अप्राकृतिक, अविश्वसनीय, जादुई, जाली, झूठा [झूठी], तथ्यांतरित, दिखावटी, भुतहा [भुतही], मायावी, मिलावटी, संदेहजनक, सत्याभासी.
Sample Phrases
खरा रुपया, खरा सोना.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.