unhappy circumstances n
difficult circumstances.
a dog's life, adversity, anxiety, bad condition, bad shape, besetment, besetting, calamity, cloud, constraint, corner, crisis, critical situation, crunch, debacle, decay, degradation, depression, derogation, descent, despair, deuce, difficult stuation, difficulty, disadvantage, disaster, discomfort, discouragement, distress, downfall, eclipse, embarrassing situation, embarrassment, evil plight, failure, fall, harassment, hardship, hard times, hassle, helplessness, ill health, ill humour, impediment, mess, misery, misfortune, nadir, patch, peck of troubles, pickle, pinch, pits, plight, poor health, predicament, privation, problem, rainy day, reversal, sad plight, scrape, spot, squalor, squeeze, state, stew, sticky wicket, strain, straits, stringency, struggle, tight situation, tight spot, tribulation, trouble, undoing, unhappy circumstances, unrest, worry, wretched existence.
Similar Concepts
circumstance, condition, crisis, critical situation, decline, detriment, disappointment, distress, excitement, misfortune, pitiableness, unfortunate coincidence, unhealthiness.
Opposite Concepts
happy circumstances.
दुर्दशा सं
कठिन परिस्थिति.
अधोगति, अबतरी, अवनति, अशांति, असफलता, असमर्थता, असहायता, उलझन, कठिनाई, कमज़ोरी, कमी, किरकिरी, कुदशा, कुपरिस्थिति, गत, गति, छीछालेदर, ज़िल्लत, जीवन का अप्रिय पक्ष, तंगी, दुरवस्था, दुर्गत, दुर्गति, दुर्दशा, दुर्दैव, दुर्भाग्य, दुष्काल, फक्कड़ी, फ़ज़ीहत, बदहाली, बुरा हाल, बुरी परिस्थिति, बुरी हालत, मनहूसी, मुसीबत, मुसीबतज़दगी, लाचारी, विपदा, विपन्नता, विवशता, विषमता, शामत, संकट, साँसत.
Similar Concepts
अकल्याण, अवनति, अस्वस्थता, उत्तेजना, करुणाजनकता, कुसंयोग, दशा, दुःख, दुर्भाग्य, निराशा, परिस्थिति, संकट, संकटावस्था.
Opposite Concepts
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.