unreal adj
academic, aerial, aery, affected, airy, apparent, art, assumed, assumptive, blatant, bogus, chimerical, conceptional, conceptual, concocted, constructed, cosmetic, deceptive, delusional, delusive, delusory, dreamful, dreamlike, dreamy, fabled, fabulous, fallacious, fanciful, fantastic, fictional, fictitious, fictive, for show, hallucinative, hallucinatory, hallucinogenic, hypothetical, ideal, idealistic, illusionistic, illusive, illusory, imagined, incorrect, insubstantial, in the air, irreal, lacking material form or substance, made, made-up, make-believe, managed, misleading, mock, mythic, mythical, never-never, nonexistent, not actually such, not existing objectively or in fact, notional, not real, ostensible, pedantic, phantasmal, phantom, plastic, poetic, poor, pretended, pseudo, psychedelic, quasi-, romantic, romantical, sham, shined up, surreal, theoretical, unbelievable, unreal, unsubstantial, untrue, visionary, whimsical.
Similar Concepts
adulterated, baseless, distorted (facts), factless, forged, imaginary, mental, pertaining to Maya, rumoured, so-called, unnatural, virtual.
Opposite Concepts
instinctive, real.
Sample Phrases
"as insubstantial as a dream"
"an insubstantial mirage on the horizon".
अयथार्थ वि
अनात्मक, अपदार्थ, अमौलिक, अयथार्थ, अवस्तु, अवास्तव, अवास्तविक, अविश्वसनीय, अस्वाभाविक, ऊपरी, -कल्प, कल्पित, काग़ज़ी, काल्पनिक, काव्यात्मक, ख़्याली, छद्म, झूठा [झूठी], डमी, निराधार, प्रातिरूपिक, फ़र्ज़ी, बेबुनियाद, बोगस, भ्रमजनित, मजाज़, मनघड़ंत, मानसिक, मायावान [मायावती], मायावी, रूमानी, वस्तुशून्य, वायवी, सैद्धांतिक, स्वप्निल, हवाई.
Similar Concepts
अप्राकृतिक, आधारहीन, काल्पनिक, जाली, तथाकथित, तथ्यहीन, तथ्यांतरित, प्रवादित, मानसिक, मायावी, मिलावटी, यथार्थाभासी.
Opposite Concepts
अप्राकृतिक, यथार्थ, स्वाभाविक.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.