in functioning order adj
clear, correct, efficacious, errorless, fit, fit for use, flawless, functional, functioning, going, going on, good, harmless, healthy, in A-1 condition, in action, in a functioning state, in a good state of preservation, in commission, in effect, inerrant, in full swing, in functioning order, in good condition, in good order, in operation, in process, in service, intact, in use, maintained, moving, not at a halt, not broken, not decrepit, not stopped, on, operant, operating, operational, operative, perfect, performing, restored, right, running, safe, serviceable, solid, sound, undamaged, unspoiled, well, well-kept, whole, workable, working.
Similar Concepts
functional, perfect, safe and sound, unbroken, undecaying, undestroyed, working.
Opposite Concepts
decrepit, junked, out of order, ramshackle.
अविकृत वि
अक्षुण्ण, अच्छा [अच्छी], अजर्जर, अजीर्णित, अदुष्ट, अनंजन, अनपभ्रंशित, अनपभ्रष्ट, अनबिगड़ा [अनबिगड़ी], अभ्रष्ट, अविकृत, अव्याकृत, करता [करती], कर्मक्षम, कर्मशील, काम का, कार्यरत, कार्यलीन, कार्यशील, चलता [चलती], चाकचक, चालू, चौकस, ठीक, ठीकठाक, त्रुटिहीन, दुरुस्त, दोषहीन, निखोट, पटु, पुख़्ता, संचल, सलामत, सही, साबुत, सालिम, स्वस्थ.
Similar Concepts
अनष्ट, अभंजित, कार्यरत, कार्यात्मक, परिपूर्ण, विकारहीन, सही सलामत.
Opposite Concepts
आउट आफ़ आर्डर, छकड़ा, जर्जर, रद्दीकृत.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.