unwilling adj
aloof, antipathetic, antipathic, apathetic, averse, balking, demurring, detached, disinclined, evasive, flinching, grudging, halfhearted, hesitant, hesitating, indifferent, indisposed, laid-back, loath, loth, lukewarm, noncommittal, not spontaneous, not willing, procrastinating, reluctant, resistant, reticent, shier, shirker, shrinking, shy, shy of, uncooperative, undisposed, unenthusiastic, unfavourable, unhelpful, uninterested, unready, unwilling.
Similar Concepts
content, de-enthused, desireless, disobedient, elusive, lazy, unambitious, uncommitted, uncooperative, unprepared.
Opposite Concepts
active, agile, eager, enthusiastic, hardworking, persevering, prompt, ready for action, willing.
Sample Phrases
"an unwilling assistant"
"unwilling to face facts".
अनिच्छुक वि
अतत्पर, अनभिलाषी, अनविलिंग, अनातुर, अनिच्छु, अनिच्छुक, अनिच्छुकतापूर्ण, अनुत्साही, अनुत्सुक, अनुद्यत, अप्रस्तुत, अप्रोद्यत, अव्यवसायी, असहयोगी, असहायक, अस्वेच्छुक, आलसी, उत्साहहीन, कामचोर, ग़ैररज़ामंद, झिझकू, टालमटोलू, टालू, ढीला [ढीली], निष्क्रिय, मट्ठर, लद्धड़, विमुख, शंकाग्रस्त, शांत, शीतल, सहयोगहीन, सुस्त, स्फूर्तिहीन, हिचकता [हिचकती], हिचकिचाता [हिचकिचाती].
Similar Concepts
अप्रतिबद्ध, अमहत्वाकांक्षी, अवज्ञाकारी, असन्नद्ध, असहयोगप्रद, आलसी, इच्छाहीन, नज़र बचाता, संतोषशील, हतोत्साहित.
Opposite Concepts
अविलंबी, आतुर, उत्साही, चुस्त, परिश्रमी, लगनशील, सक्रिय, सन्नद्ध, स्वेच्छुक.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.