happy adj
agreeable, at peace, beaming, beamish, beamy, blissful, chuffed (very pleased), delighted, ecstatic, enthralled, eupeptic, fain, feeling fine, feeling wonderful, fulfilled, gay, glad, gratified, halcyon, happy, jubilant, mirthful, on top of the world, pleased, satisfied.
Similar Concepts
delighted, entertained, extrovert, fortunate, grateful, happy-go-lucky, jolly, laughing, merry, placated, pleasant, requited, satiated, satisfied, sociable, successful, victorious.
Opposite Concepts
angry, dejected, disappointed, distressed, pitiable, unhappy, vexed.
प्रसन्न वि
अखिन्न, अखेद, अनुकूल, अनुमुदित, अनुमोदित, अनुरंजित, आत्तमना, आनंदपूर्ण, आनंदित, आनंदी, आमुदित, आमोदित, खिला [खिली], ख़ुश, गद्गद, तुष्ट, निहाल, पुलकित, प्रफुल्ल, प्रफुल्लित, प्रसन्न, प्रसन्नतापूर्ण, मगन, मग्न, मस्त, मुदित, राज़ी, शाद, शादमान, सुप्रसन्न, हँसमुख, हर्षित, हसमुख, हृषित, हृष्ट.
Similar Concepts
अलमस्त, आनंदित, कृतज्ञ, तृप्त, पूर्णेच्छ, प्रसन्नचित्त, प्रसन्नताप्रद, प्रसीदित, बहिर्मनस्क, बहिर्मनस्क, मनोरंजित, मिलनसार, विजयी, विनोदप्रिय, विनोदप्रिय, संतुष्ट, सफल, सुखी, सौभाग्यशाली, हँसता [हँसती].
Opposite Concepts
अप्रसन्न, उदास, करुणाजनक, क्रुद्ध, खीजा [खीजी], दुःखी, निराश.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.