obedient adj
dutifully complying with the commands or instructions of those in authority.
acquiescent, allegiant, amenable, at one's beck and call, at one's command, attentive, complaisant, compliant, complier, complying, devoted, domesticated, duteous, faithful, flexible, gentle, heedful, humble, loyal, modest, obedient, obeisant, obeyer, obliging, obsequious, regardful, respectful, responsible, sincere, tame, willing.
Similar Concepts
act of groveling, adherent, governable, honour, humble, willing.
Opposite Concepts
commands issuer, disobedient, insolent.
Sample Phrases
"an obedient soldier"
"obedient children"
"a little man obedient to his wife"
"the obedient colonies...are heavily taxed, the refractory remain unburdened"- Edmund Burke.
आज्ञाकारी वि
अधृष्ट, अनुकारी, अनुगामी, अनुचर, अनुपालक, अनुशासनपर, आचरण कर्ता, आज्ञाकारी, आज्ञापाल, आज्ञापालक, आदरपूर्ण, आदेश पालक, कातर, किंकर, चाकर, निदेश पालक, पालक, पालतू, फ़रमाँबरदार, फ़रमाबरदार, बंदा [बंदी], यथोक्तकारी, वचनकारी, वशग, वशगामी [वशगामिनी], वशानुग, विनम्र, विनयशील, सहचर, सेवक, सेवादार, सेवाभावी, हुक्म का बंदा, हुक्मबरदार, हुक्मी.
Similar Concepts
अनुयायी, गिड़गिड़ाता [गिड़गिड़ाती], विनम्र, शास्य, स्वेच्छुक.
Opposite Concepts
अवज्ञाकारी, आज्ञादाता, धृष्ट.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.