worried adj
afraid, agitated, alarmed, all hot and bothered, all in a dither, anguished, anxious, apprehensive, baffled, bothered, careworn, concerned, discomfited, discomfortable, discomposed, disconcerted, dismayed, disquieted, distracted, distrait, distraught, distressed, disturbed, exercised, fearful, fidgety, flighty, full of misgivings, harassed, insecure, in turmoil, irritated, jumpy, keyed up, nervous, nervy, on pins and needles, on tenterhooks, on the anxious seat, overanxious, perplexed, perturbed, puzzled, restive, restless, ruffled, shaky, taxed, tense, troubled, uneasy, unquiet, upset, uptight, vexed, worried.
Similar Concepts
crisis-ridden, distressed, double-minded, excited, frightened, perplexed, suspicious, thrilled, worrisome.
Opposite Concepts
calm, equanimous, fortitudinous, hopeful, mature in intellect, merry, resolute, restrained, self-confident, trustful, worryless.
चिंतित वि
अधीर, अनस्थिर, अन्यमनस्क, अभिशंकित, अमनस्क, अशांत, अशांतचित्त, असहज, असामान्य, अस्थिर, अस्थिरचित्त, आंदोलित, आकुल, आशंकापूर्ण, आशंकित, उत्तेजित, उद्भ्रांत, उद्विग्न, उद्वेलित, उन्मन, उन्मनस्क, कलहीन, कातर, क्षिप्तचित्त, क्षुब्ध, क्षोभाकुल, खिन्न, घबराया [घबराई], चंचल, चलचित्त, चिंताकुल, चिंताग्रस्त, चिंतापूर्ण, चिंतामग्न, चिंतायुक्त, चिंतित, त्रस्त, परेशान, फ़िक्रमंद, बेक़रार, बेकल, बेचैन, विकल, विक्षुब्ध, विचिंतित, व्यग्र, व्याकुल, शंकित, समुत्कंठ, सशंक, हौलदिल.
Similar Concepts
उत्तेजित, चिंताजनक, दुःखी, दुबिधाग्रस्त, भयभीत, भ्रमित, रोमांचित, संकटग्रस्त, संदेहशील.
Opposite Concepts
अलमस्त, आत्मविश्वासी, आशापूर्ण, धीर, निश्चिंत, प्रौढ़धी, विश्वासी, शांत, संकल्पबद्ध, संयमित, स्थितप्रज्ञ.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.