stinking adj
abominable, awful, bad, bad-smelling, carrion, contaminated, corrupt, dank, decayed, decomposed, disagreeable, disagreeing, disgustful, disgusting, displeasing, distasteful, effluvial, evil-smelling, execrable, feculent, festered, filthy, flyblown, foetid, foul, frowzy, fulsome, fusty, grungy, heinous, hoggish, ill-smelling, infected, mal-, malignant, malodourous, mephitic, mouldy, mucid, mummyish, musty, nauseating, nauseous, noisome, noxious, obnoxious, odious, odoriferous, odorous, offensive, ordurous, pernicious, polluted, putrefied, putrescent, putrid, rammish, rancid, rank, reasty, reeking, reeky, repellent, repelling, reprehensible, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, rotted, rotten, seedy, sickening, sinister, slimy, smelling, smelly, smutty, snuffy, soiled, sordid, squalid, stale, stank, stench-laden, stinker, stinking, stinky, stunk, terrible, toxic, trite, unclean, unpleasant, unwholesome.
Similar Concepts
detrimental to health, filthy, hated, rotten, vomitive.
Opposite Concepts
दुर्गंधपूर्ण वि
अनाकर्षक, अप्रिय, आविषालु, कुणप, गंदा [गंदी], गर्हित, घिनौना [घिनौनी], घृणित, जघन्य, दुर्गंध, दुर्गंधपूर्ण, दुर्गंधयुक्त, दुर्गंधित, दूषित, नापाक, पूति, पूतिक, पूतिगंध, पूतिगंधिक, पौतिक, बदबूदार, बसा [बसी], बसीला [बसीली], बुरा [बुरी], बुसा [बुसी], बूदार, लिज़लिज़ा [लिज़लिज़ी], विकर्षक, विगंध, विषालु, सड़ता [सड़ती], सड़ा गला [सड़ी गली], सड़ा [सड़ी], सड़ियल, सदुर्गंध.
Similar Concepts
अस्वास्थ्यकर, घृणित, मलिन, वमनकारी, सड़ा [सड़ी].
Opposite Concepts
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.