sick adj
affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function, not in or exhibiting good health in body or mind.
abnormal, afflicted, ailing, at a low ebb, bad, bedfast, bedridden, confined, convalescent, deficient, delicate, dicky, diseased, distempered, down, enfeebled, faint, feeble, feeling poorly, flicted, green, ill, impaired, in a bad way, indisposed, infelicitous, infirm, in poor health, invalid, laid up, low, pale, palsied, -pathic, physically run down, poorly, rickety, sallow, sick, sickish, sickly, suffering, under medication, under the weather, undisposed, unhealthy, unwell.
Similar Concepts
disease, distressed, hypochondriast, malnourished, recuperating, sick person, suffering from pain, weak.
Opposite Concepts
cured, healthy, in comfort, robust.
रुग्ण वि
अनमना [अनमनी], अपटु, अप्रकृतिस्थ, अलील, अशक्त, अस्वस्थ, आतुर, कमज़ोर, गिरा पड़ा [गिरी पड़ी], चिकित्साधीन, टूटा [टूटी], ढलका [ढलकी], ढीला [ढीली], दुःखी, दुखी, दुरवस्थ, नाचाक़, नासाज़, निढाल, निस्तेज, पसमाँदा [पसमाँदी], पीड़ित, बीमार, बुरा [बुरी], मंद, माँदा [माँदी], रुग्ण, रोगग्रस्त, रोगशय्याग्रस्त, रोगाक्रांत, रोगातुर, रोगार्त, रोगी, व्याधिग्रस्त, व्याधित, शिथिल, संतप्त, सरोग.
Similar Concepts
आरोग्योन्मुख, कुपोषित, दुःखी, निर्बल, पीड़ाग्रस्त, रोग, रोगभ्रांतिग्रस्त, रोगी.
Opposite Concepts
चिकित्सित, बलिष्ठ, सुखी, स्वस्थ.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.