novice n
abecedarian, amateur, apprentice, beginner, callow, cheechako ( in Alaska), chela, cub, dabbler, disciple, doodler, entrant, fledgling, freshman, greenhorn, inexperienced person, ingénue, initiate, intern, jackleg, lay, layman, learner, naïf, neophyte, newbie, newcomer, novice, novitiate, prentice, pupil, quack, raw recruit, recruit, rookie, student, tenderfoot, tiro, trainee, tyro, underclassman.
Similar Concepts
disciple, having a little knowledge, ignorant, incapable, incompetent, ineligible, inexperienced, inexperienced person, inexperienced sailor, inexpert, quack, recruit, trainee, unpragmatic (person), unskilled, unskilled worker.
Opposite Concepts
competent, experienced, expert, expert person, knowledgeable, practised, pragmatic (person), trainer.
नौसिखिया सं
नौसिखिए, नौसिखियोँ, नौसि नौसिखियों.
अकुशल, अज्ञानी, अनाड़ी, अमेच्योर, उज़बक, ऐप्रैंटिस, चेला [चेली], छात्र, नवप्रशिक्षित, नवसिखा, नवागंतुक, नौसिखिया, प्रशिक्षार्थी, प्रशिक्षु, फूहड़, बिलल्ला [बिलल्ली], बेशऊर, मुब्तदी, मूढ़, रंगरूट, लल्लू, लूलू, शिष्य, सिखतड़, हुड्ड, हूश.
Similar Concepts
अकुशल (कर्मी), अक्षम, अज्ञानी, अदक्ष, अदक्ष कर्मी, अनुभवहीन, अनुभवहीन जहाज़ी, अनुभवहीन व्यक्ति, अयोग्य, अर्हताहीन, अल्पज्ञ, नीम हकीम, प्रशिक्षु, रंगरूट, व्यवहार अकुशल, शिष्य.
Opposite Concepts
अनुभवी, अभ्यस्त, ज्ञानी, दक्ष व्यक्ति, प्रशिक्षक, योग्य, व्यवहारवादी.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.