तर्कहीन वि
अंधविश्वासपूर्ण, अग्राह्य, अड़ियल, अतर्क, अदृढ़, अनुचित, अनुपपन्न, अप्रमाण्य, अप्रामाणिक, अमान्य, अमूल, अयुक्त, अविहित, अवैध, असंगत, असंबंधित, असंबद्ध, अस्वीकार्य, अहेतु, अहेतुक, आधारहीन, कच्चा [कच्ची], ग़लत, तथ्यहीन, तर्क असंगत, तर्कविरुद्ध, तर्कहीन, नामाकूल, नामुनासिब, नामौजूँ, नावाजिब, निराधार, निर्मूल, परस्पर असंगत, परस्परविरोधी, पूर्वग्रहग्रस्त, पूर्वधारणापूर्ण, बेजा, बेतुका, बेबुनियाद, मूर्खतापूर्ण, मूलहीन, युक्तिहीन, लचर, विसंगत.
Similar Concepts
अनैतिक, अप्रमाण्य, असंगत, असंभाव्य, अस्वीकार्य, कुतर्कीय, परस्परविरोधी, बकबकपूर्ण, विज्ञानविरुद्ध.
Opposite Concepts
तर्कसंगत, तर्क्य, विश्वसनीय, संभाव्य.
illogical adj
abnormal, absurd, arbitrary, bad, baseless, biased, blind, casuistic, contradictory, discrepant, erratic, fallacious, fallible, false, fanciful, fatuous, flawed, flimsy, frivolous, groundless, having the cart before the horse, hollow, idiotic, ill-conceived, illegitimate, ill-founded, illogical, implausible, improper, inapposite, inappropriate, incoherent, incompatible, inconceivable, inconclusive, incongruous, inconsistent, inconvincible, incorrect, incredible, indefensible, invalid, irrational, irrelevant, lame, misleading, nonsensical, out of all reason, prejudiced, prejudicial, preposterous, reasonless, repugnant, self-contradictory, silly, sophistical, specious, spurious, stupid, unacceptable, unconscionable, unjustified, unlikely, unreasonable, unsound, unsuitable, untenable, vacuous, wacky, without basis, without foundation, without rhyme or reason, wrong.
Similar Concepts
blabbery, contradictory, fallacious, implausible, irrelevant, unacceptable, unethical, unprovable, unscientific.
Opposite Concepts
arguable, logical, plausible, trustworthy.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.