दुःख सं
दुःखोँ, दुःखों.
मानसिक पीड़ा - वेदना- सुख का विपरीत भाव.
अंक, अंदोह, अघ, अचैन, अज़ा, अज़ार, अमानस्य, अलम, क़लक, कष्ट, किलस, कुचैन, क्लेद, क्लेश, ग़म, चोट, तकलीफ़, ताप, दर्द, दुःख, दुख, दुखदर्द, पीड़ा, पीर, बिरोग, मर्ज़, व्यथा, संक्लेश, संपीड़ा, सुखेतर.
Similar Concepts
पश्चात्ताप, पीड़ा, मातम, यंत्रणा, विषाद, अतृप्ति, अप्रसन्नता, असुविधा, उदासी, कठिनता, करुणा, क्रोध, क्लेश, खेद, छटपटाहट, दिखावटी आँसू, दुर्दशा, दुर्भाग्य, नरक, परिश्रम, मनस्ताप, रुदन, रोग, शाप, संकट, हृदयभंजन.
Opposite Concepts
अलमस्ती, आनंद, तृप्ति, प्रसन्नता, राहत, सुख, सौभाग्य.
Sample Phrases
"पत्नी की अकाल मृत्यु ने उसे दुःख के सागर मेँ डुबो दिया.", "संसार दुःखोँ की खान है.".
distress n
psychological suffering.
agony, angst, anguish, discomfort, distress, grief, heartache, hurt, miserableness, misery, pain, sadness, sorrow, suffering, torment, travail, tribulation, unhappiness, vexation, visitation, woe.
Similar Concepts
melancholy, mourning, pain, repentance, torture, anger, crisis, crocodile tears, curse, dejection, difficulty, disease, fidgetiness, hard work, hell, inconvenience, insatiation, mental agony, misfortune, pity, regret, smarting, suffering, unhappiness, unhappy circumstances, weeping.
Opposite Concepts
comfort, delight, good luck, happiness, merriness, relief, satisfaction.
Sample Phrases
"She was the classic maiden in distress.", "The death of his wife caused him great distress.".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.