यंत्रणा सं
यंत्रणाएँ, यंत्रणाओँ, यंत्रणाओं.
एक या अधिक व्यक्तियोँ द्वारा किसी को जानबूझ कर क्रूरतापूर्वक शारीरिक या मानसिक कष्टप्रदान.
अत्याचार, अर्ति, उत्पीड़ा, कष्ट, ज़ुल्म, ज़ोर ज़ुल्म, थर्ड डिग्री, नृशंसता, पीड़न, पीड़ाप्रदान, प्रमथन, प्रमाथ, मथन, मर्दन, यंत्रणा, यातना, सताई, सतावन, सितम.
Similar Concepts
आत्मयंत्रणा, अत्याचार, ईसा क्रौस मृत्यु, दमन, दयाहीनता, दुःख, धर्मद्रोह खोज न्यायालय, पीड़नोन्माद, भय, रैगिंग.
Opposite Concepts
अहिंसा, करुणा, दया, दयालुता.
torture n
the deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more persons.
abuse, besetment, big stick, calvary (experience that causes intense suffering - after the place where Christ was crucified), excruciation, harassment, infliction, infliction of physical suffering, maltreatment, misery, mortification, oppression, ordeal, pain, persecution, rack, ravagement, third degree, torment, torture.
Similar Concepts
self-torture, crucifixion of Christ, distress, fear, inquisition, pity, ragging stance, sadism, suppression, tyranny, unkindliness.
Opposite Concepts
kindliness, kindness, nonviolence, pity.
Sample Phrases
"It required unnatural torturing to extract a confession from many a freedom fighter.".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.