सुलभ वि
अंतहीन, अकसर मिलने वाला, अज़हद, अति, अतिगत, अतिमात्र, अतिरिक्त, अतिशय, अतीव, अतुल, अतुलित, अत्यंत, अत्यधिक, अथाह, अधि, अधिक, अधिकतम, अधिकतर, अधिक प्रचलित, अधिक प्राप्य, अनापशनाप, आलब्ध, आसान, उपस्थित, उर्जित, ऊपर, ओतप्रोत, काफ़ी, घना [घनी], घनेरा [घनेरी], चक, चकाचक, ज़बरदस्त, ज़्यादा, झोली भर, टोकरी भर, ढेर सारा, तमाम, निर्मान, पुष्कल, पृथु, पृथुल, प्रगाढ़, प्रचुर, प्रबल, फ़ालतू, बहुत, बहुतायत वाला, बहुल, बेश, बेशी, बेहद, भरपूर, भरा [भरी], भूयसी, भूयिष्ठ, भूरि, मौजूद, लब्ध, वर्धित, विपुल, संवर्धित, सद, समालब्ध, सर्वसुलभ, सहज प्राप्य, साधारण, सुप्राप्य, सुलब्ध, सुलभ, सुलभ्य.
Similar Concepts
लभ्य, अत्यधिक, अधिक, आपूर्त, व्यापक, साधारण.
Opposite Concepts
अपर्याप्त, अलभ्य, अल्पलभ्य, कम, दुर्लभ.
easily available adj
abounding, abundant, affluent, all over, all over the place, aplenty, armful, armload, at hand, at one's elbow, a whole bunch of, bagful, barrelful, beaucoup, boundless, bounteous, bountiful, broad, bushel, bye, common, copious, easily available, easily obtainable, enough, ever so much, everywhere, exceeding, excess, excessive, excrescent, flowing, flush, frequent, full, fulsome, galore, general, in abundance, in profusion, in quantity, legion, lot, luxuriant, many, massed, millions, more than, much, no end, numerous, on deck, on tap, oodles, overabundant, overmuch, plenitudinous, plenteous, plentiful, plenty, present, present everyswhere, profuse, rampant, ready, replete, rich, rife, riotous, sixpenny, sizable, sizeable, sufficient, suffused, superabundant, surpassing, surplus, sweeping, teeming, thick with, too great, too many, too much, tremendous, ubiquitous, umpteen, unbounded, universal, unlimited, unstinted, vast, very many, voluminous, wild, within reach.
Similar Concepts
available, excessive, more, ordinary, pervasive, supplied.
Opposite Concepts
available in short supply, becoming less, insufficient, rare, unavailable.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.