सुरक्षा सं
अनापदा, अभिरक्षा, अमन, अमन चैन, अमनो अमान, अमान, इतमीनान, कल्याण, कुशलक्षेम, कुशलता, क्षेम, ख़ैर, ख़ैरियत, परिरक्षा, पूर्णरक्षा, बचाव, बाँह, भला, योगक्षेम, रक्षा, संरक्षा, सलामती, साया, सुरक्षा, सेफ़्टी, हिफ़ाज़त.
Similar Concepts
नगर सुरक्षा, अजेयता, आड़, कल्याण, कुशलक्षेम, जीवन रक्षा, ताला, दुर्ग, परित्राण, पहरा, पहरेदार, पहरेदारी, पुलिस कर्म, पुलिस दल, बंदरगाह, बीमा, रक्षा, शरण, शांति, संरक्षण, सुख.
Opposite Concepts
अत्याचार, असुरक्षा, आतंक, ख़तरा, जोखिम, संकट.
security n
assurance, cover, defence, immunity, indemnity, preservation, protection, reassurance, respite, safeguard, security, umbrella.
Similar Concepts
civil defence, asylum, briging peace, comfort, coverture, defence, fort, guarding, insurance, invincibility, lock, police force, policing, protection, rescue, safety and well-being, seaport, survival, watch duty, watchman, welfare.
Opposite Concepts
danger, insecurity, risk, terror, tyranny.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.