उत्तेजित वि
अशांत, अशांतचित्त, असौम्य, अस्थिर, आंदोलित, आकुल, आविष्ट, आवेशग्रस्त, उग्र, उच्चंड, उत्ताल, उत्तेजित, उदग्र, उद्दाम, उद्दीप्त, उद्धत, उद्विग्न, उद्वेलित, उन्मत्त, कलहीन, क्षुब्ध, गरम, घोर, चंचल, चंड, दोलित, परेशान, पागल, प्रक्षुब्ध, प्रचंड, प्रदीप्त, बेक़रार, बेकल, बेचैन, भड़का [भड़की], भावाविष्ट, विक्षुब्ध, संक्षुब्ध, समाविष्ट, समुत्तेजित, हलचलपूर्ण.
Similar Concepts
अस्थिर, उकसाया [उकसाई], उत्तेजक, उथलपुथलपूर्ण, उन्मादग्रस्त, क्रुद्ध, चंचल, चिंतित, पागल, भावपूर्ण, रोमांचित, विचलनशील.
Opposite Concepts
अभावुक, उत्तेजनाहीन, गंभीर, धीर, भावहीन, शांत, संयमित, सांत्वित, स्थितप्रज्ञ, स्थिर.
excited adj
abuzz, afire, aflame, agitated, agog, all hot and bothered, animated, aroused, astir, atingle, at the end of one's rope, berserk, beside oneself, burning, charged, crazed, crazy, discomposed, disconcerted, discontented, disquieted, distempered, disturbed, driven, edgy, emotional, exacerbated, excited, fervid, fevered, feverish, fidgety, fired, frantic, frenetic, frenzied, fretful, furious, heated, het up, high-strung, ill-humoured, impassioned, in a quiver, in a tizzy, incensed, inflamed, intensified, irate, ireful, jumpy, mad, moved, on edge, on fire, on tiptoe, overexcited, overheated, perturbed, phrenetic, pricked, provoked, psyched, restive, restless, roused, ruffled, stimulated, stirred, tense, turned on, unquiet, unsettled, upset, wild, worked up.
Similar Concepts
angry, exciting, frivolous, full of emotion, instigated, mad, maniacal, thrilled, turbulent, unstable, worried.
Opposite Concepts
calm, consoled, emotionless, equanimous, fortitudinous, restrained, sober, steady, unexcited, unprovocative, unsentimental.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.