तथ्यात्मक वि
अकाल्पनिक, अमिथ्या, अवलंबनीय, असली, आँखोँ देखा, आधारपूर्ण, आधारयुक्त, आनुषंगिक, घटनात्मक, घटनामूलक, घटित, ज़मीनी, ज्योँ का त्योँ, ठीक, ठोस, तथ्यपरक, तथ्यपूर्ण, तथ्यात्मक, तथ्याधारित, तथ्यानुकूल, तथ्यानुरूप, तथ्यानुसार, दृष्ट, देखा [देखी], पक्का [पक्की], प्रामाणिक, बाबुनियाद, मान्य, यथातथ, यथातथ्य, यथार्थ, वस्तुनिष्ठ, वाक़िआती, वास्तविक, विश्वसनीय, संपुष्ट, सच, सतथ्य, सत्य, सत्यमूल, सत्यात्मक, सप्रमाण, ससार, सही, साधार, हुआ [हुई].
Similar Concepts
अखंडनीय, अप्रवादित, चूकहीन, तर्कसंगत, त्रुटिहीन, निश्चायक, प्रमाण्य, भ्रांतिहीन, यथार्थ, विवादातीत, विश्वसनीय, सच्चा [सच्ची].
Opposite Concepts
अनधिकृत (सूचना), अविश्वसनीय, काल्पनिक, जादुई, तथ्यहीन, तथ्यांतरित, प्रवादित, वर्णनात्मक, संदेहजनक.
factual adj
accurate, actual, ascertainable, ascertained, authentic, based on events, based on facts, believable, clean-cut, clear, confirmed, correct, corroborated, credible, dependable, doubtless, eliminating the human equation, established, exact, factual, faithful, historical, honest, indubitable, infallible, intrinsic, irrefutable, no-nonsense, not invented, not made-up, objective, real, realistic, reliable, sincere, sound, sterling, straight, true, trustworthy, unadulterated, unconcocted, undeniable, unquestionable, unvarnished, valid, veracious, veridical, well-founded.
Similar Concepts
accurate, clearheaded, decisive, errorless, indisputable, irrefutable, logical, provable, real, true, trustworthy, unrumoured.
Opposite Concepts
descriptive, distorted (facts), dubitable, factless, imaginary, magical, rumoured, unofficial (information), untrustworthy.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.