प्रोत्साहन सं
प्रोत्साहनोँ, प्रोत्साहनों.
आग्रह, आश्वासन, उकसावा, उत्साहन, उत्साहवर्धन, उद्बोधन, प्रचोदन, प्रेरणा, प्रोत्साहन, बढ़ावा, शह, शाबाशी, समर्थन, समाश्वासन, समीरण, समुत्तेजन, समुत्साहन, सहारा, साहसवर्धन, हाँक, हिम्मत अफ़ज़ाही, हौसला अफ़ज़ाही.
Similar Concepts
उत्तेजना, उत्प्रेरण, उत्प्रेरण, उत्प्रेरणापूर्ण, उत्साह, उद्बोधन, करतल ध्वनि, चालक ऊर्जा, चुनौती, दुष्प्रेरण, पुरस्कार, प्रशंसा, प्रोत्साहक टोली, प्रोत्साहक वस्तु, प्रोत्साहन दाता, प्रोन्नयन, भय निवारण, मित्रता, मेघरेखा, शाबाशी, सरपरस्ती, सहयोग, सहानुभूति, सहायता.
Opposite Concepts
अमंत्रणा, उत्साह भंग, उत्साह भंजन, छिद्रान्वेषण, निंदा, हृदयभंजन.
encouragement n
abetment, advancement, animating, approbation, a shot in the arm, backing, boosting, building up, buoying up, cheer, cheering, egging on, encouragement, endorsement, enjoining, enlivenment, enthusement, enthusing, exhortation, fillip, furtherance, heartening, impetus, incentive, inducement, inspiration, inspiriting, motivating, motivation, pat on the back, patronage, pep talk, prodding, promotion, prop, provocation, raising the spirit, rallying, reassurance, shot in the arm, stimulus, support, urging.
Similar Concepts
challenge, cheerleading team, clapping sound, cooperation, dispelling of fear, encourager, enthusiasm, excitement, exhortation, friendship, help, incentive, inspired intuitively, instigation, patronage, plaudit, praise, prize, promotion, silver lining, stimulation, stimulus, sympathy.
Opposite Concepts
de-enthusement, demoralization, disparagement, dissuasion, faultfinding, heartbreak.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.