उल्लेख करना क्रि
उल्लेख करना, चर्चा करना, ज़िक्र करना, ज़िक्र छेड़ना, नाम लेना, प्रसंग छेड़ना, बात उठाना, संदर्भ देना.
Similar Concepts
उद्धरण देना, उल्लेख, बात करना, लोकप्रिय करना.
Sample Phrases
“पाणिनि ने चार प्रकार के शिक्षकों का उल्लेख किया है - आचार्य, प्रवक्ता, श्रोत्रिय, अध्यापक. इन मेँ आचार्य का स्थान सर्वोच्च था.".
make mention of v
cited, cites, citing, mentioned, mentioning, mentions.
advert, allude, allude to, bring up, broach, call attention to, cite, direct attention to, hint at, indicate, make a mention, make an allusion to, make a reference to, make mention of, make reference to, mention, mention incidentally, name, point out, quote, refer, refer to, remark, talk about.
Similar Concepts
mention, popularize, quote, talk.
Sample Phrases
"His name was mentioned in connection with the invention.".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.