स्वस्थ वि
रोगहीन शरीर और मस्तिष्क से युक्त.
अगद, अच्छा [अच्छी], अच्छा बिच्छा [अच्छी बिच्छी], अनातुर, अनामय, अरुग्ण, अविकल, अविपन्न, चंगा [चंगी], चलता [चलती], चलता फिरता [चलती फिरती], चाक़, चाक़चौकस, चुस्त दुरुस्त, चेतन, चौकस, टंच, टनमना [टनमनी], टनाटन, टिचन, ठीक, ठीकठाक, तंदुरुस्त, ताज़ादम, दुरुस्त, निराधि, निरामय, निरोग, निर्व्याधि, नीरोग, पटु, पुष्ट, भला चंगा [भली चंगी], भला [भली], मुस्तैद, रोगमुक्त, रोगहीन, विरोग, व्याधिहीन, सचेतन, सजग, सजीवन, समंजस, समुत्थित, सलामत, सलीम, सहारोग्य, सही सलामत, सहीह सलामत, सहीहुल मिज़ाज, सेहतमंद, सेहतयाब, स्वस्थ, हृष्ट, हृष्टपुष्ट.
Similar Concepts
चिकित्सित, बलिष्ठ, सुगठितकाय, सुपोषित, स्वस्थमनस्क, स्वास्थ्यप्रद.
Opposite Concepts
निर्बल, रुग्ण, रोगी.
healthy adj
free from infirmity or disease - having or indicating good health in body or mind.
able-bodied, abloom, all right, as well as can be expected, athletic, at one's best, at the peak of good health, blooming, bobbish, bonny, bursting with health, disease-free, enjoying good health, feeling fine, feeling one's oats, fine, fine and dandy, fit, fit and fine, fit as a fiddle, free from disease, full of beans, good, hale, hale and hearty, hardy, healed, healthful, healthy, hearty, hunky-dory, in fine, in fine feather, in fine fettle, in fine whack, in full possession of one's faculties, in good condition, in good health, in good shape, in sound condition, in the pink, never feeling better, normal, of a sound constitution, on one's feet, physically fit, possessing good health, robust, ruddy, safe and sound, sound, sound of wind and limb, stout, strong, sturdy, tough, trig, trim, unimpaired, vigorous, virile, well, whole.
Similar Concepts
cured, health-giving, robust, sane, well-built, well-nourished.
Opposite Concepts
sick, sick person, weak.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.