विस्मयोक्ति() मु
Rhyming Words
, , ख़ुदाया, दइया, हाय दैया, क्या, भला, लो भला, इल्ला बिल्ला, आनंद उक्ति, विस्मयोक्ति, उई, हत्तेरी की, सच्ची, हत्तेरी, ख़ुदा के वास्ते, बाप रे, यह क्या हो रहा है, कमाल है, देखो, देखो तो, और सुनो, लो, और लो, हो, अहो, भला हो, ओ हो, अख़ अख़, सचमुच, च् च्, सच, हंत, उफ़, उफ़ उफ़, ग़ज़ब, हे राम, राम राम, ओय, धन्य धन्य, अरर, शिव शिव, माशा अल्लाह, वल्लाह, ओह.
exclamation(s) idiom
Rhyming Words
aah, aargh, aarrgh, ah, aha, ahem, ahoy, anger expression, s, annoyance expression, s, behold, bejabbers, bejesus, big deal, blah, blimey, by God, by gum, by Jove, confound, crikey, damn, damnation, dang, darn, darned, deuce, dickens, doggone, drat, durn, eek, egad, eh, exclamation, s, fancy that, feh, foh, for heaven's sake, Gad, gee, gee whiz, geez, general exclamation, s, God save the mark, goddamned, good show, ha, hah, halleluiah, hang it, hell, ho, huh, humph, hunh, hurrah, huzza, in faith, indeed, jeepers, jeez, la, lo, look, mon Dieu, my, my eye, my God, no kidding, no wonder, O, oh, oh God, oh no, oh yes, oho, oh-oh, ooh, oops, ouch, oy, pah, phew, phooey, pish, pleasure expression, s, poof, pooh, rah, really, say, see, shucks, surprise expression, s, tarnation, the devil, tsk, ugh, upon my soul, upon my word, wham, whammo, whang, what the heck, whoops, why, woops, woosh, yea, yeah, yeh, yow, yuck, zounds, zowie.
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