आना क्रि
आ, आइएगा, आई, आऊँ, आऊँगा, आऊँगी, आए, आएँ, आएं, आएँगी, आएँगे, आओ, आओगे, आया.
आगत होना, आगमन करना, आ जाना, आना, उपस्थित होना, चले आना, पहुँचना, फटकना.
Similar Concepts
अचानक आना, कभी कभी आना, घर आना, प्रवेश करना, फिर आना, बार बार आना, शुभागमन करना, अंदर होना, अतिथि होना, आ बसना, निकट आना, पहुँचना, पैठना, मुलाक़ात करना, लौटना, सभा मेँ आना.
Opposite Concepts
छूटना, जाना, निकलना, प्रस्थान करना.
come v
came, comes, coming.
appear, arrive, come, come in, get, get there, reach, show up, turn up.
Similar Concepts
come again, come again and again, come as a welcome guest, come home, come rarely, come suddenly, enter, arrive, attend a meeting, be a guest, be in, come to visit, immigrate, penetrate, reach near, return.
Opposite Concepts
depart, get detached, get out, go.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.