निकलना क्रि
निकल, निकलता, निकलती, निकलते, निकला, निकलिएगा, निकली, निकलूँ, निकलूँगा, निकलूँगी, निकले, निकलेँ, निकलेँगी, निकलेंगी, निकलेँगे, निकलेंगे, निकलेगा, निकलेगी, निकलो, निकलोगी, निकलोगे.
कढ़ना, जाना, निकलना, निर्गत होना, निर्गम करना, निर्गमन करना, निर्गमित होना, निष्क्रमण करना, निसरना, बाहर जाना, रास्ता नापना, रास्ता लेना.
Similar Concepts
अंतर्धान होना, खिसक लेना, जाना, निकालना, पलायन करना.
Opposite Concepts
आना, निष्कासन, पहुँचना, प्रवेश करना.
get out v
gets out, getting out, got out.
clear away, clear off, clear out, depart, draw away, exit, get away, get going, get out, go, go away, go off, go out, hit the road, leave, part, peel off, pull out, push off, put forth, quit, retire, set out, step out, withdraw.
Similar Concepts
disappear, flee from a battle field, get ousted, go, slink away.
Opposite Concepts
arrive, come, ejection, enter.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.