आकर्षक वि
अपनी ओर खीँचने मेँ सक्षम और रोचक तत्त्वोँ से भरपूर.
अनुरागक, अपीलिंग, अभिराम, आकर्षक, आकर्षणपूर्ण, आकर्षी, खीँचता [खीँचती], ग्लैमरस, चुंबकीय, जादुई, निमंत्रक, प्रकर्षक, प्रलोभक, मनमोहक, मनोरम, मुग्धकर, मोहक, लुभाऊ, लुभावना, लुभावनी.
Similar Concepts
आकर्षणकारी, आश्चर्यजनक, चुंबकीय, ध्यान आकर्षक, पौप, प्रलोभनकारी, मोहक, रुचिकर, रोचक, सुंदर.
Opposite Concepts
असुंदर, कुरूप, घृणित, विकर्षक.
attractive adj
having power to attract towards itself and arouse interest.
arresting, attractive, captivating, distracting, enchanting, engaging, fetching, full of attraction, glamorized, glamorous, inviting, magical, magnetic, pleasing, riveting, seductive.
Similar Concepts
astonishing, attention catching, attracting, beautiful, fascinating, interesting, likable, magnetic, pop, tempting.
Opposite Concepts
hated, repelling, ugly, unhandsome.
Sample Phrases
"an attractive opportunity"
"the job is attractive because of the pay".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.