मल सं
आलाइश, कलंक, कलुष, कल्क, कषाय, कूड़ा, गंद, गंदगी, चिर्क, दलिद्दर, दारिद्र्य, प्रदूषण, मल, मलिन पदार्थ, मैल, विकार, सड़न.
Similar Concepts
देहमल, कीचड़, कूड़ा, तलछट, तल मल, दलदल, दाग़, धातुमल, पशु विष्ठा, प्रदूषक तत्व, प्रदूषण, विष्ठा.
filth n
any substance considered disgustingly foul or unpleasant.
crud, dirt, dung, excrement, feculence, filth, foul matter, garbage, grunge, impurity, junk, muck, offal, pollutant, refuse, rubbish, scum, sewage, skank, slime, sludge, slush, smut, squalor, sullage, trash.
Similar Concepts
cowdung, dregs, faeces, marsh, metallic slag, muck, pollutant, pollution, rubbish, scum, stain.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.