क्रुद्ध करना क्रि
अप्रसन्न करना, अशांत करना, असंतुष्ट करना, आहत करना, उकसाना, उन्मत्त करना, काँटे चुभोना, कुढ़ाना, कोँदना, क्रुद्ध करना, खुनसाना, ख़ून खौलाना, ख़ून जलाना, चमकाना, चिढ़ाना, चिनकाना, चेताना, छेड़ना, जलाना, जले पर नमक छिड़कना, दिल दुखाना, नराजना, नाराज़ करना, पागल करना, प्रज्वलित करना, बुख़ार चढ़ाना, भड़काना, मिर्च लगाना, रुठाना, लहकारना, सताना, सुलगाना.
Similar Concepts
अप्रसन्न करना, अप्रसन्न होना, उत्तेजित करना, खिजाना.
Opposite Concepts
तुष्ट करना, तृप्त करना, प्रसन्न करना, मनाना, मनुहार करना, शत्रुता मिटाना, शांत करना.
infuriate v
angered, angering, angers, infuriated, infuriates, infuriating.
acerbate, affront, aggravate, aggrieve, agitate, anger, anguish, annoy, antagonize, appall, arouse, bait, besiege, bother, bug, burn, chafe, chagrin, cloy, cross, detonate, discommode, discompose, discountenance, disgruntle, disgust, disoblige, displease, dissatisfy, distemper, distress, disturb, embitter, empoison, enkindle, enrage, envenom, erupt, exacerbate, exasperate, excite, feeze, flame, foment, fret, gall, get in one's hair, harden, heat, hurt, hurt one's feelings, ignite, imbitter, impassion, incense, incinerate, incommode, inflame, infuriate, irk, irritate, kindle, madden, make angry, make furious, make one's blood boil, needle, nettle, offend, overcloud, pall, pester, pique, piss off, provoke, put off, put out, rasp, rattle, ride, rile, roil, rouse, ruffle, ruffle someone's feathers, savage, scandalize, shock, sicken, step on one's toes, stir up, transgress, tread on one's toes, trespass, try one's patience, vex, whip, work, wound.
Similar Concepts
displease, excite, vex.
Opposite Concepts
appease, end enmity, mollify, pacify, persuade, please, satiate.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.